Monster Party
Here are some cool ways to call monsters to your party!
- Cut the shape of a monster foot from green paper.
- Use a black marker to color the toenails.
- Print the words "You're Invited to a Stompin' Good Monster Party!" on the front of the foot.
Turn the foot over and print the party details on the backside.
Instead of labeling the party date, print "Stomping Day: [date]"

Face-paint every little guest on arrival.
Place monster footprints on the path leading to the front door.
Draw monster footprints on the sidewalk with chalk.
Hang sign: 'Warning: Monsters inside! Enter at your own risk!
- Add lots of green and black colors for the party.
Replace the light bulbs with green or blue bulbs.
Balloons and streamers in green and black.
Here are some cool ways to call monsters to your party!
Monster coloring pages.
Monster Dash
Similar to Red Light/Green Light.
Birthday child starts as the monster.
- Players creep up when the monster says "Dash."
- Players freeze when monster says "Stop" and turns around.
- Moving players are out.
- The first player to pass the monster wins.
- Winner becomes the monster in the next round.
Mummy Wrapping Game
Divide children into teams of three.
Provide each team with a roll of toilet paper.
Instruct teams to wrap one member like a mummy.
Mummies to parade and model their wrapping.
Optional: Guests vote for the best mummy.
Other Games
Pin the Tail on the Monster.
Sleeping Monster : Kids drop to the floor and remain still when called.
Roaring games: Loudest, quietest, longest roars.
Create cardboard monster face with wide mouth. Kids toss balls into its mouth.