Superhero Party
Here are three great ways to summon crime fighters
Photograph your child in their favourite superhero costume.
Use online services (like snapfish.co.nz) to create invitations.
Use a superhero logo as the focus for your invitations.
Find these logos online, in books, or magazines; draw in front of the invitation.
Buy superhero party invitations from your local party shop.
- Make sure to have spare superhero capes and masks on hand.

Draw the superhero logos on the sidewalk or driveway with chalk.
- Cut cardboard cartoon caption bubbles and write superhero action words on them, such as "POW!" "ZAP!" and "BAM!"
Line up a row of action figures down the middle of the table.
Set out comic books or pages from comic books as placemats.
Buy inexpensive or make your own capes.
Hang a cape from the back of each guest's chair.
Guests can wear their capes during the party and take them home afterward.
Purchase superhero-themed plates, cups, napkins and a plastic tablecloths from your local party store.
Here are some great ways to summon superheroes
Flash tag
Get an adult or older child to dress up as the Flash and hold a game of Tag the Flash.
Superman muscle game
Inflate 30 small balloons.
Form teams of 3-4 kids; each selects a 'Superman'.
Place balloons in center. Superman wears adult clothing over clothes.
Set timer for 1-2 minutes. Teams stuff balloons under Superman's clothes.
Count remaining balloons to determine winner. Prize for winning team!
Kryptonite hunt
Kids save the day by finding fluorescent green-painted rocks hidden in the garden—Kryptonite hunt!
Collect in a tinfoil-covered cardboard 'lead' box.
Face and hand painting
Paint superhero symbols on the hands and cheeks of the partygoers.